Buddhist Boot Camp

Häromdagen hittade jag youtube-kanalen “Buddhist Boot Camp” av Timber Hawkeye. Ja, med ett sådant namn har man antingen att förvänta sig något riktigt coolt eller riktigt tveksamt, men i det här fallet det första! Efter att ha tittat på flera av hans videoklipp har jag fått ytterligare inspiration till att leva minimalistiskt. Jag skrev också ner minnesvärda citat från olika klipp, här nedan följer några exempel.

”Be grateful. Gratitude turns what we have into enough. That is luxury, that is being rich.”

We will never have enough unless we define what enough is.“

“We can’t live in line with our core values if we haven’t defined them for ourselves.“

”We have been so terribly misguided byt the notion that happiness is something we have to pursue. And it’s in that pursuit of happiness that we have actually lost our way. So instead of chasing happiness like a hamster on a wheel, I say slow down. Sit. There is nothing you need to buy. There is nowhere you need to go.”

”Just a few days of taking inventory of everything in you life worth appreciating, is the first step we can take to guiding the next generation away from this growing sense of entitlement and toward a deeper appreciation for life itself.”

”Every time you say ’I have to’ you’re saying ’poor me, I’m a victim, I have no choice’ and that victim mentality is fear-based, it’s very restricting, it’s not very empowering. /…/ [Switch] from saying ’I have to’ and change it to ’I choose to’. There are no right or wrong choices … we make our own choices and we pay our own prices.”

”Instead of letting go of the job, have you considered letting go of caring about the outcome of your work /…/ What if you just did the work without taking any of it in? /…/ It’s often not the load that breaks our backs, but the way we carry it. /…/ What’s bad for your health is the stress, which you might create even if you had a part-time job washing dishes in the back of a restaurant. /…/ I’m not saying be careless [just don’t take it so seriously and personally] /…/ Working at a job doesn’t have to be stressful.”

”Is the problem those places, or is it me? What if I became a little more flexible and just allowed it to be what it is, would every place be perfect? Could I then find sanctuary anywhere?”

I do not spend my money, i invest it.

”Breathing is a gift – It’s a miracle that’s offered to us over and over again, yet much like our health, we often take it for granted right up until the moment we no longer have it.”

“Something is keeping us alive, and even though we can’t see it, we put a lot of trust in it to wake us up tomorrow morning. We don’t know that it will, we blindly trust it /…/ What we have is faith. /…/ It doesn’t matter [what] you call it… the name you give it isn’t as important as the appreciation you have for it.”

”I feel like the richest person in the world, and it’s not because I earn so much, but because I need so little.”

Och sist, men inte minst:

”If we think ’this person is going to have all the answers I need’ – no – they’re gonna have some, but they’re not gonna have all.” ;)
